Our Products



A computer Network is a group of two or more computers connected to each other electronically. This means that the computers can “talk” to each other and that every computer in the network can send information to others.

Terabyte systems has the ability and the know how to set up and maintain both types of networks namely, Structural and Wireless Networks.
The need to network an office structure not only makes work easier but also improves an organization’s efficiency while at the same time reducing backlog.

Server Management


The server is the steering wheel of a Network.
It primarily controls all functions within the network structure.

Without a healthy server you cannot operate a healthy working Network.


Website Creation and Administration



We have the expertise to create and manage clear and precise websites that bring out a clear and informative picture with full business sense of your organization.


Internet and Bandwidth Management


The use of internet has become an important tool to carry out business communication in a timely and expedited fashion. We at Terabyte systems have seen the need to formulate suitable products to improve internet use by managing traffic and usage statistics. Currently we are working closely with Access Kenya and Safaricom to help provide reliable internet with impressive speeds and at affordable rates.


 Virus Prevention




A virus is a software program capable of reproducing itself and with the ability to cause harm to files or other programs on your computer and neighboring computers on the same network.

At Terabyte we have identified suitable products to prevent and remove any viral activity within the organizations network systems. We are proud to be resellers of Kapspersky and Avast Antivirus which are top of the range antivirus programs worldwide.



Hardware and Printer Maintenance


We offer preventive maintenance to computers and printers, as well as replace faulty and worn out parts on the same. We are proud to have Dell and HP trained technicians who have done maintenance and service on numerous printers and computers


k r r t e


Asset Tagging


This product was recently developed in response to a need for companies to track their assets including the dates of purchase, serial numbers and other pertinent information. It helps reduce the paperwork involved in keeping manual asset databases.



I.T Audits


An I.T Audit is a complete check on how best the various I.T components put to use and what additional / new products can be implemented to facilitate sustainable company growth and competitive edge.



     Other services include:

  • Projector Supply, installation and commissioning

We have successfully installed over head projectors and mountings for school institutions and Universities

  • Distributors of Yargi antennae for GSM Modems and Cellphone range boosters.

Various clients have approached us from remote areas where there is poor cellphone signal and cellphone coverage and have requested installation of  cellphone boosters.

  • PABX Installation, phone management and billing software and physical trunking.

Phone management in organizations helps record, bill and track phone bills thereby reducing the monthly expenditure on phone usage. We at terabyte Systems provide this service as well as supply, commission and install PABX units.

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